Bible Classes
9:30am Sunday mornings.Adults
A time each Sunday for us to meet together for practical discussion around God’s Word held during the same time as our Children’s Sunday School. Generally more topical in nature where we study various items of relevance to the life of the church and as individual living in the 21st Century. All are welcome and encouraged to join us each week!Children’s Sunday School
Children are a special part of our church because they special to God. Children’s ministries at RBC are committed to assisting parents in their God-given responsibility in raising their children in a way that is honouring to God (Ephesians 6:4). At the heart of children’s ministry is age appropriate bible teaching to help children come to a true knowledge of God and to put their trust in Jesus Christ.Main Service
10:30am Sunday mornings.Prayer
We gather together on a Sunday because we love Jesus Christ. We love Him for Who He is and what He has done. He is a person we adore, therefore, it only makes sense that we would long to talk to Him together. Sundays are an opportunity as a corporate gathering to offer praise and thanksgiving to God for all He has done for us in Christ. It is also our privilege to come before our Heavenly Father with the needs of the church family making petition on each other’s behalf, knowing and trusting that, in Christ, He hears and answers our prayers according to His good and perfect will for His glory.Sundays @ 4:30
We also hold an additional one hour service with a focus on directed, corporate prayer alongside some fellowship, singing, and a short Bible teaching. A great way for the church family to stir one another towards love and good works on the Lord’s Day. All Welcome.
Scripture Reading
One of the most important things we can do together as a church family on a Sunday morning is to hear directly from God’s Word (1 Timothy 4:13). God has revealed Himself to us through the pages of Scripture and it is from the Bible that we come to know Him, His character, and His work. Therefore, in each of our services, we set aside specific time for the reading of Scripture. In a very real sense, this is the one time in each service when we hear directly from God.Preaching
The preaching of God’s Word forms an essential part of our Sunday services. We believe God’s Word ought to be read and that God’s Word ought to be impressed upon our hearts and minds. The means God has designed to accomplish this is the faithful preaching of the Scriptures. This is no time for simply stories, entertaining speech, or even good advice from the pastor – this is time for the whole church family to actively engage with God’s Word as it is faithfully explained and applied by those whom the Lord has gifted to the church for this purpose.Communion | Lord’s Supper
Communion is the tradition started by Jesus to remind us of His death and resurrection, by taking bread and grape juice symbolising His body and blood. We hold to the teaching of 1 Corinthians 11:27-29. If you are a Christian in right standing with God and with your fellow believers, we encourage you to partake of the bread and grape juice with us, otherwise you may simply let them pass by.Baptism
Baptism is a symbol of beginning the Christian life. Baptism is the full immersion in water and the bringing back up again of a believer who has made a profession of faith in Christ and has shown evidence that they have a living relationship with Christ. It is a public statement that the Believer has died to their old nature and way of living, and has been given ‘new birth’ and a new way of living by God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.Who should be baptised?
Only those Believers who give a believable profession of faith and show practical evidence of their belief and obedience to Christ.