
Pastor or Political in the Pulpit

Some friends at CCAANZ asked me to write an article for one of their publications, “Ministry Matters” planned for distribution to their churches soon. I was given the title and a fairly specific brief for what they were looking for…. this is what I wrote. Lord willing it is helpful and edifying. September 2024 Pastor or Political in the Pulpit… Read more →

Teaching Series: Ageing Well to the Glory of God

We are nearing the end of a teaching series in our Sunday, 9:30am Bible Class. This series extended over several months. Here are the key resources we have made use of as we have wrestled with the subject, “Ageing to the Glory of God”. Joe’s full set of teaching notes can be accessed here. Most of these sessions were recorded.… Read more →

Primer: AI & The Christian Life

Here are some items/resources for any Christian who is wanting to start thinking carefully about living life in a world with increasing access to and use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools. (Disclaimer: By linking an article or website here, I am in no way giving approval to everything on the linked website or everything written/said by the linked author. The… Read more →

Vaccine Certificates/Passports and the Church

Sermon: Covid – Romans 14 – Loving One Another When We Disagree General Concerns: Verifiability of data: Up to now when a person in NZ receives their vaccine, no proof of identity is required. The individual administering the vaccine simply asks for the person receiving the vaccine to confirm their name and date of birth (in some cases their address). This is… Read more →

Select Committee Submission: Conversion Practices Prohibition Law Bill

Dear Prime Minister Ardern, Minister Faafoi, and Members of Parliament, Thank you for giving your time to read and consider the following statement with regards to the recently proposed “Conversion Practices Prohibition Law Bill”. I have read the proposed piece of legislation and have grave concerns. Concerns for two fundamental principles of Liberal Democracy: 1. Freedom of Speech and 2.… Read more →

Recent NZ Legislation: Conversion Therapy Ban & Hate Speech

In recent weeks here in New Zealand, we have seen our government propose new legislation along with changes to existing legislation which together present a shift virtually unprecedented in Western Liberal Democracy. Specifically, we are addressing suggested proposals to what is generally referred to as “Hate Speech Laws” (Proposals against the incitement of hatred/hostility) along with new legislation under the… Read more →

Join this Chariot: A Biblical, Exegetical, Theological, Historical Response

On 14 June 2021 InsideOut released a 72 page PDF document titled Join this Chariot: Christian Schools Supporting Rainbow Students’ Wellbeing. (A link to this PDF will not be provided here. It is found quite easily with a simple Google search!) This is a biblical, exegetical, theological, historical response. Let’s start with some definitions. Biblical: This response will aim to… Read more →