
Deuteronomy – Intensely Practical

A helpful summary, giving expression to why I am thankful for the opportunity to preach through Deuteronomy at this time. It is an immensely practical book, speaking loudly into our age.   “The ‘framework’ of this book [Deuteronomy] (chapters 1-11 and 27-34) makes it plain that there is an important dynamic element in living as the people of God. Walking… Read more →

Deuteronomy Sermon Series – Introduction

(Image Credit: Katrina Sinclair) This Sunday we will begin a new series through the book of Deuteronomy. Perhaps it has been awhile since you have read Deuteronomy or thought much about the details of the Old Testament. Even if that is not the case, everyone would find these three short videos helpful and, I think, fun. Firstly, a helpful overview… Read more →