We are nearing the end of a teaching series in our Sunday, 9:30am Bible Class. This series extended over several months.
Here are the key resources we have made use of as we have wrestled with the subject, “Ageing to the Glory of God”.
- Joe’s full set of teaching notes can be accessed here.
- Most of these sessions were recorded. The recordings can be accessed here (under “seminars”).
- John Dunlop, MD – A Letter to My Family
- Kathryn Butler, MD – Sample Advanced Directive
- Life in Four Stages by R. Albert Mohler
- Wellness for the Glory of God: Living Well After 40 with Joy and Contentment in All of Life, John Dunlop, MD
- Retiring Well: Strategies for Finding Balance, Setting Priorities, and Glorifying God, John Dunlop, MD
- Finishing Well to the Glory of God: Strategies from a Christian Physician, John Dunlop, MD
- Finding Grace in the Face of Dementia, John Dunlop, MD
- Between Life and Death, A Gospel-Centered Guide to End-of-Life Medical Care, Kathryn Butler, MD