The Goodness of God in the Face of Evil

Perhaps like me, you are numb… O God we come to you for mercy…

The events which have occurred over the last several hours in Christchurch are unprecedented. New Zealand has been attacked. This is an act of horrendous evil. Our country will be forever changed.

I remember 9/11 like it was yesterday. I have not felt the numbness I have felt since yesterday afternoon since that horrible event. In the midst of the numbness, I keep thinking, “this is New Zealand’s 9/11”. A day, an act of great terror.

O God be merciful…

We need to flee to the Lord, our Heavenly Father, the One Who rules and reigns over the Universe in absolute sovereignty in humble, dependant prayer.

We need to sit with His Word and allow His Spirit to guide our thoughts in faith as He enables us to think rightly about such evil.

Through such faith fuelled prayer and reflection we will be equipped to navigate the difficult emotions and thoughts we will all experience, we will be equipped to help our children interpret the evil in this world rightly, we will be strengthened in our trust of our Precious Saviour, and we will be better able to love those around us at a time of utter confusion.

Tomorrow will be a special Lord’s Day designed to help us in this.

9:30am => Prayer Meeting. Let’s gather together as a church family and pray. Let us cast ourselves corporately on the Lord. (The Sunday School meeting is canceled.)

10:30am => A simple, yet focused service… We will gather together, Lord willing with others from our community, to consider God’s Word and to see more clearly the hope found in a crucified Saviour against the backdrop of an evil world. Feel free to invite friends, neighbours, etc. to join us for this.

Soli Deo Gloria

Blessings in Christ,

Joe Fleener