9:30 Bible Class – New Series – The Whole Christ

During the School Terms at 9:30am on Sunday mornings we hold our Children’s Sunday School as well as a seperate Bible Class for everyone else.

The aim during this 9:30 Bible Class has been to study and discuss together topics from Scripture that we may not have opportunity to discuss in other settings and at a time when the children are cared for in Sunday School. This allows for all ages and stages to engage in Bible study.

Beginning on Sunday, August 5th we will start a new topic. In doing so, we will also utilise a video teaching series in this setting for the first time.

This book was published in 2016. I read it twice in 2017. It is highly regarded as one of the most significant Christian books written in modern times. (“This is one of the most important and definitive books I have read in over four decades.” – Derek Thomas)

We can now listen to the author of the book, Sinclair Ferguson, teach through its essential lessons via video as well as utilise a set of discussion questions helping us apply the truths of Christ to our life.

As a whole this study will help us see the wonder and sufficiency of Christ more fully, leading to a greater assurance in Christ as we live the Christian life.

Perhaps you haven’t made it a regular pattern to attend these 9:30 Bible Classes on Sunday mornings. Can I encourage you to do so for this series. I’m sure it will be a tremendous benefit to you. (Besides, listening to Ferguson’s wonderful Scottish accent alone is refreshing!)

Each video is approx. 25 minutes in length. We will open with prayer, watch one video and conclude with a time of discussion, wrapping up by 10:15am.

This will run every Sunday during Term 3 and Term 4 up to the end of November. (On Sundays when I am not involved in the music rehearsal I will lead a prayer time for any who are there once setup is complete, approx. 9am. Any others are welcome to join us as well.)

“It is not enough to say ‘I believe in Jesus Christ’. The New Testament asks you a question when you say that. It asks, ‘What do you believe about Him? Is He man only or is He God only? Has He come in the flesh or hasn’t He? What is the meaning of His death? What did He do?’ The New Testament is concerned with definitions. I suggest that there is nothing that is further removed from the teaching of the New Testament itself than to say ‘it’s all right as long as you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ that it doesn’t matter very much what you say about Him in detail.’ It is the detail that is the most important and vital to our whole position.” (Lloyd-Jones)