A helpful summary, giving expression to why I am thankful for the opportunity to preach through Deuteronomy at this time. It is an immensely practical book, speaking loudly into our age.
“The ‘framework’ of this book [Deuteronomy] (chapters 1-11 and 27-34) makes it plain that there is an important dynamic element in living as the people of God. Walking in the ways of Yahweh means living obediently in the face of changing circumstances. Israel is not called simply to stick with what they heard at Horeb, but to go on listening to God’s word, at it is unfolded to them in Moab and then in the land, equipping them to love God wholeheartedly in their rapidly changing context. The authority of the divine word remains the same, but the application varies as the journey goes on.
This, of course, is all intensely practical. These are matters of life and death. This theological preaching has only one goal – to encourage Israel to embrace life with God in all its fullness by listening to and responding to the divine word. All this preaching and theology ultimately serves an ethical agenda. Israel must embrace this message by loving Yahweh with heart, soul, and strength, as she lives out the statues and rules. This cannot merely be the whim of a moment, but must be the commitment of a lifetime, choosing to obey not just ‘today’ but for a lifetime of ‘todays’, as she awaits the eschatological intervention of God which will finally bring her journey to an end.”
J. Gary Millar, “Now Choose Life: Theology and Ethics in Deuteronomy”, pg. 98-99.